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Dates to Remember

Fuel Taxes

Expire Quarterly

1st Quarter - 1Q17


File by end of April 

Submit to B&B by April 10th 


2nd Quarter - 2Q17


File by end of July

Submit to B&B by July 10th 


3rd Quarter - 3Q17


File by end of October

Submit to B&B by October 10th


4th Quarter - 4Q17


File by end of January

Submit to B&B by January 10th 

IL-Base Plates

Expire June 30th

Vehicles that operate in Illinois only, expire June 30th.  These trucks are referred to as base plated vehicles.  Purchasing a base plate requires a current stamped or e-filed IRS Form 2290 for vehicles needing to be plated over 54,999 lbs. 


Contact Kim Braget for additional information

2290 Highway Use Tax

Expire June 30th

IRS will waive penalty and interest if renewal is filed by August 30th. Contact B&B for further requirements. 


Additional vehicles purchased within a year, IRS requires payment of a new 2290. The due date will be the end of the following month the vehicle has been put in service.


Example: Put in service Sept 15th, application and payment must be filed by Oct 31st.


Secretary of State requires a stamped paid or e-filed 2290 for purchase of plates if the purchase date of vehicle is over 59 days. It will not matter if the vehicle has not previously been put in service since purchase. This rule overrides IRS requirements.


IRS states that a 2290 should always be in the name that is shown on the vehicle title.


Expire December 31st

KY-Never expires 

IL-IFTA-Expire every year

NM-Expire every year

UCR-Expire every year 

IL-Intra - expire Every year

OR - Expire every year

NY- Expire every 3 years (2018, 2021, 2024, etc.)


Feel free to either come into our office or request your permit renewal via email.

IL-IRP Plates

Expire March 31st

IRP Plates in Illinois Expire March 31st every year. You will receive an emailed letter from the Secretary of State around December reminding you of your renewal. Come renew with your office in person or via email around the second week of February. Contact us to find out what you will need to be able to renew.

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